Monday, September 13, 2010

What do you want to know about "Going Green?"


  1. Why has it taken this long for people to realize we need to "GO GREEN" ?

    1. many people dont even realize that going green can make so much of a difference in the community and the school

    2. I don't think people realize that even one person going green makes a difference. They may feel that they can't make a difference by themselves; which isn't true.

    3. Some people think that if they wait long enough, other will do it for them. But thats not the case! Who will clean up after you? Who will recycle what YOU think is garbage? No one. people don't understand what is happening. They see "clean-up for polluted lake" in the newspaper and think "well that's nice." then they go on with their day. But what if everyone thought like that? then no one would clean up. One person makes a difference!

  2. A.R.BarbiesareinappropriateFebruary 10, 2012 at 2:33 PM

    Are there negative effects of going green??

    1. Do you even need to ask :p

    2. Sometimes going green costs more money and it is much more time consuming for the individual. Our society functions in a rushed environment where quick and easy is the way to go because nobody has time.

    3. Yes, going green costs a lot of money and takes a lot of time. People cannot completely go green in the economy that we have at the moment because going green takes a lot of money. Society is based around being rushed, and since going green takes a lot of time, many people are not going to go green.

  3. I would like to know how many cans and or bottles are recycled each year.

    1. They say over 2 billion

    2. A.R.BarbiesareinappropriateFebruary 10, 2012 at 2:36 PM

      6 million bottles/cans per year.

    3. Over 100,000 Aluminum cans are recycled every Year

  4. What are some of the down sides of going green?

    1. A downside of going green could be that it may cost us more to afford some greener choices in school

    2. Another downside would be that every year, people become too obsessed with this and go overboard, which makes people think that this is a joke.

    3. Going green could take away some of the things that people prefer. For example,recycled paper is not as smooth as regular paper which can be a problem for graded assignments

  5. How can we keep this world clean 4 life

    1. Personally, I think that's impossble. We should try to keep the world clean, but it's really hard to keep it perfectly clean for life.

    2. i dont think we can keep the world clean for life because we are always going to have people in the world that dont care.

    3. We can keep the world clean by being conscientious of what we do and what we put into the atmosphere. Many gases are harmful to the ozone layer and speed the affects of global warming If everty one on the planet became conscientious we wouldnt have a pollution problem. We have to work together to be green.

    4. Well based on the recent problems with garbage dumps, if those don't dissapear we could end up with a BIG problem, maybe to keep the world clean for life we could all help find a way to get rid of the trah without harming the envirnment

  6. What are the other possible "greener" ways of creating energy without the use of oil?

    1. solar panals, water wheel are alterative ways to create energy.

    2. Dont know but you can just use less oil to make the energy.

    3. You can use soler panales,wind mills, and water wheels insted of oil

    4. There are geothermic energy sources. This means people us the heat of the earth as energy. There are also ways to convert oils from foods into energy. These vegetable oils are used as gas for cars. They save al ot of bad stuff from going into the air. For more information go to

  7. What is the best way of going green?

    1. There is not really one way of going green thats better than all the others. Every way you help will make an impact.

    2. The best way to go green is to conserve energy.

  8. What are our possbilities limited to?

    1. This is very thought-provoking, and I have no idea what the answer is (:

    2. everything is realy limited to how much money the person is willing to spend, but take away the money and your only limit is the sky :)

  9. What happens if we don't go green?

    1. The world will be filled with trash.

    2. Well, if we do not go green, the entire world could become a giant dumpster. The air can become polluted with toxins and our forests will be chopped down. That is what can happen.

  10. Why do people always think that it is so hard to go green?

    1. Becouse people are lazy. That is why there are so many work out shows, SO WE CAN GO GREEN!!!

    2. While we all know that going green is great for the environment, some people fear the initial financial burden that it can put on one's household budget. It is also a more time consuming process and some people barely have enough time to get their daily activities done. In reality, it probably takes just as long to throw something into the recycling as it does into the garbage.

  11. Why does the school use styrofoam trays when we know there bad for the environment?

    1. We use Styrofoam trays because at the elementary school a kid was swinging a tray around and accidentally let go of it and it flew across the room (it did not hit anyone) and broke on the floor. So they are worried that something like that is going to happen and they do not want to deal with that kind of situation and someone getting hurt. So that is why the school uses Styrofoam trays.

    2. the school uses styrofoam trays because they reuse the trays and reuse is one of the three r's

    3. Actually I dont think they reuse styrofoam trays, they get thrown out.

  12. Going green will have a big impact on our school community and the community at large.For example, if we replace the lighting in our school with Energy Star rated fluorescent lighting, it will have a big impact on green living.

  13. Is the school doing anything to help aminals, and not just the trees?

  14. How does solar panals conserve energy.

    1. By converting energy from the suns rays, the use of solar panels conserves sources made from fossil fuels.

  15. It is very important to go green in school and at home. We live in a closed biosphere and we only have one planet and we need it to live. People need to reduce pollution. If we do this, people will have cleaner water to drink and more food to grow.

  16. What others ways can we keep our schools "green"?

  17. What will it take to make people aware of the urgency of conserving our natural resources and protecting the environment we live in?

    1. Well maybe not ALL people will listen but if we get the word out in a fun way we could get people to listen. One example is a fun crafts, green spirit days, sell green quote t's, or find other ways to get the word out in a green way. Any money raised could go to fundraisers or to the school so they can buy green supplies without using buget money

  18. HBMS should begin by having one garbage free lunch day the first week. Increase the number of days by one each week until you have five days of garbage free lunch and less garbage in the landfills.

  19. L.B. (Amy Bowsher's Mom)February 15, 2012 at 5:25 PM

    How can we get more members of the community to recycle as much as possible?

    1. Well for starters, we could get the town council to start envirnmental awareness programs for free so all can partisapate to get people to understand the importance of helping the envirnment

  20. We can put up posters in our towns about RECYCLING. They should be handmade by children our age to inspire younger kids.

  21. I would like to know how we can use less water bottles since water bottles keep germs in them.

  22. I would like to know why we cant just stop littering? when will we just learn that we are killing the enviroment. what is wriong with us? why did we even start. who was the first person to start not throwing things out. Alot of people survived befor us with out making plastic to throw out. when did we decide to go and all of the lazy people wont move and get off their buts and Just throw it out. we have garbage cans all over the place. is it so hard to wqalk like ten feet and put your hand up and let something go? are we serious?

  23. I want to know why some people do not stop littering, recycling, reducing, reusing, and why they don't help the community clean up the neighborhood. People are just way to lazy to work for free, but in the long run, our communities become polluted with garbage and litter.

  24. anthony lavecchiaMay 24, 2012 at 1:59 PM

    i would like to know many things about going green. like how we can stop cutting down trees.It would also be cool to learn about how we can recycle cans better. also i would like to learn how to stop polluting the air because it is killing the animals. those are the things i would like to learn about going green.

  25. WHY IS IT SO HARD FOR US TO GO GREEN!? IT'S NOT SO HARD IS IT PEOPLE? All we have to do is recycle bottles and cans! Littering is something that makes me so ANGRY! Whats the worst is that there's litter 2 FEET AWAY FROM A GARBAGE CAN! IT REALLY IS NOT HARD TO THROW AWAY A PIECE OF GARBAGE IS IT? And as a bonus plant TREES! Trees make oxygen that we need to breathe and live, obviously people do not know that which is sad but, we can make this Earth a better place! lets get started NOW!

  26. Our school could use water wheels, less water bottles, and solar panels. Less pollution can occur when we actually throw things in the RECYCLING BIN, people cannot just throw things on the street and expect it to magically disappear. It takes like millions of years for it to decompose.So REUSE, REDUCE, AND RECYCLE!!!!!

  27. HBMS is a very environmental place. We recycle cans and papers at lunch. We also collect the tabs off of the cans and have a contest with it. And if the school catches you not littering or helping the environment we get $11.00 to Damolas. We also use an online book instead of the real book. I feel good about all of this and i think we should stop wasting paper.

  28. What would happen if the whole world didnt start cleaning up and through everything on the ground?

    1. well that would just be a sad picture. I'm sooo glad that at least a few care enough that the world wasn't like that

  29. What happens after you recycle things like paper, cans, and plastic boteles? What are other wayes to reuse reduce recycle?

  30. This school would need to spend a few dollars to go green. Like buying more enviroment safe items and would need too change the trays so we dont throw so many away. Change it plastic trays so we could wash them instead of throwing them away.


    2. Of course! I think it's a great idea to bring green chioces to the school! Maybe writing journals can use green paper, or we can find was to use less water, and paper. I just really like the idea that the school would care sooo much about the envirnment!

  31. Going green isn't as hard as you think. Even the little stuff like turning off lights when your done with them and recycling is fine to do. If everyone does something small eventually it will add up to something huge. So please do a part and take some action.

    1. little things r bad u want big things and that would help

    2. By recycling and throwing out all our garbage instead of throwing them on the floor

    3. little things are good because the more you do little things the bigger they get

    4. hAHAHAHA You just said little things. ha. However, I totally agree with this comment! We take everything from clothing to electricity for granted. What we don't think about is that we can reuse and recycle our clothing in bins all over High Bridge, for example, next to the firehouse. Also, there are clothing drives to give items to the poor. Saving electricity not only helps the earth, but us! It saves money in the long run.

  32. What would Happen If the ozone layer were completely ablitherated because WE hadnt cleaned up? that would be terrable... PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE CLEAN UP!!! Unless you all want the cute little seals and polar bears and penguins to be gone forever and ever and ever and ever. THANKS FOR READING!!!!!!PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE CLEAN UP!!!

    1. WOW YOUR RIGHT!!! although i have been cleaning up and awwwwwww poor seals

    2. their r other things that would dy like us and everything els

    3. than we might die so keep the earth claen and tell your friends to this is very IMPORTANT

  33. What is the government doing to go green? There are a few "green" supplies in stores but the little stuff, like macaroni and cheese boxes, are still using trees for card board. The little things also seem to be the most often bought. I like how some stores have the idea to supply fabric bags and if consumers buy the bags and use them they will give five cents back for each bag they use. Even though some people buy very few items and so five cents won't make a difference. Those people end up using plastic or paper bags and throwing it out, but that really hurts the envirnment. Is there any other way we can convince people to help?

    1. they should stop using big cardboard boxs they should reuse them

    2. Good idea Garrett, but how do we get them to stop using cardbaord boxes?

  34. What i would like to know about "Going Green" is if there any possible way to make it easier to stop creating as much garbage. We produce a lot of garbage but there arent any other resources to use instead of what we use that produce pollution.

    1. going green is when u help clean up the enviroment

  35. Going green is being kind to the earth, animals, and nature. If we are not kind the world would die and we would have to live in space or die. I would like to learn about why do people not throw away garbage when they see it close to a garbage can.

    1. I agree people sould really throw garbage out even when it is not theirs. Sadly people feel that what they were origanally doing is more important then taking 5 seconds to pick up some trash to help save the envirnment or even animals that can be badly injured because of the garbage. It just breaks my heart to see birds or sea animals stuck in the plastic soda rings. I wish there was a way to stop people from doing that.

    2. who relpied my blog and thanks for answering:)

  36. What are ways we can help the world around our school? Some ways we can help around our school is by recycling our water bottles and throwing out our garbage.

    1. Also, we can reuse some of our belongings and use both sides of the paper. :)

  37. I WILL CLEAN UP!!!!! And yes i wouldn't want to kill penguins and polar bears, especially polar bears. You are right!! :)

  38. What I would like to know about Going Green is what if no one ever heard of recycling or going green?. What would happen to the world? what are other people doing about it. We should all work together to save our environment.

    1. The World would fill up with garbage and it woulod be a dirt world we are living in.\

    2. Well the world will be a huge landfill. We all should work together to save our wonderful world!!!



  41. How much more trash has been recycled instead of thrown away over the years?

  42. I want to know more ways to go green. I want to know other ways to save the world other than reducing, reusing, and recycling and turning off the lights.

    1. I think that you have a point. Everyone refers to recycling as the three R's. Are there any forms of this that are not stereotypical like the examples you just gave??? I don't know. On the other hand, the three R's are very broad, so many specific examples fall under this category.

  43. I want to know if there is a true answer to why it is called "Going green". Many answers I read were logical and very possible, but no one referred to a specific website proving their theory.

  44. I want to know if there is a true answer to why it is called "Going green". Many answers I read were logical and very possible, but no one referred to a specific website proving their theory.
