What is a web-based shared hosting service?
How does one publish information using a web-based or shared hosting service?
What is an online learning community?
How would its use be beneficial?
How can you, as students, get the word out to your classmates, teachers, and neighbors in our community about the necessity of instituting a "go green" environment?
I think that is a great idea and if you do not have a bike or whatever just walk. It is as simple as that. If the road is dangerous try to see if there are any shortcts that avoid the dangerous roads.
We can make posters and put them on telephone poles and we can make signs and put them on the curb next to a stop sign so when they stop they have time to read it
We could plant trees in front of the school because honestly, it's really empty out there. And maybe, so that the school would get involved, we could have a schoolwide vote on what the names of the trees would be.
Any maybe we could also have a little trash/recycling can outside by the entrance of the school, because I've seen gum on the ground a lot. And with that being, the gum will never go away until some poor soul picks them all up.
I realy love that idea, its great to get out of the classroom and do something fun for the environment. If there is a contest the winner should be able to name one tree! So yea, i am all for it!!!
I don't think it'll cost that much. We only need a few plastic cups, and between the classes coming in, the lunch ladies could try to wash out the cups.
...By the way, Svetlana, why are you on here? LOL You're not in our computer class!
That is a good idea but that might get a little disgusting if everyone in the school is using the same reuseable cups. This may not work, but maybe everyone should have their own cup and if they are buying lunch they bring it to school and the lunch ladies pour us the drink we want.
WE CAN WE DO? Our school has many great things to do. But if we do things out side of school, that would be even better. We can plant trees and flowers in the Commons. When you are out of school, you can carpool with different students so you limit the amount of fossil fumes that get in the air. If we all pitch in, we can save our earth.
There are so many things that anyone can do to GO GREEN and save our Earth. We can ride our bikes more often to travel, we can reuse materials, we can donate clothes, stuffed animals, and so many other materials, reducing the amount of waste, we can recycle materials, and reduce the amount of waste we throw away daily. There are so many simple things we can do as well. Turn off lights, turn off water and make sure the sink doesn't drip, or even just unplug devices that are not being used. though it only saves a little now, the amount of wasted resources adds up, and in the long run it saves alot.
Great ideas!!! I totally agree and you are a great writer!!!!! Not only does this save materials, but it saves money as well that our parents and ourselves have to spend. Keep the great ideas up!
If our comunity goes green it will be a good thing. That way we can save the earth and animals that could soon be endangered. Its important to go green because we want to keep this earth alive and green for tghe longest time possiable.
To make our school more environmental we could add skylights to the 3rd level classrooms to save electricity, we should also get electronic tablets that have all of our textbooks on them. Think of how many trees we would save. It would be very expensive at first, but in the longrun we would save money!
What if we had s school green house, it could grow vegitables for the lunchroom. Every week a group of students could go and tend to them. Not only would we be eating healthyer food, but we would be saving the school money, and be helping the environment
That is a great idea. U should tell Miss Smith that, she could request it ti the principle. (even though it is a 1 out of a million chances he would say yes, but still)
We can plant trees to help increase the amount of oxygen and carbon dioxide flow between us and plants. Also, for every tree that is cut down, another one should be re-planted in its place. Planting helps the environment in great amounts. Recycling, reusing, and reducing can help the environment and prevent animals from eating these things that would normally be littered on the ground. Recycling is the act of putting something that would normally be thrown out in the recycling bin for a chance to make something new. The most common recycled items are plastic and paper. Reusing is the act of using something over again instead of throwing it out. Reducing is the act of lowering the amount of environmental things you would normally use daily.
Our school should have a few special days of the year to plant trees and clean up the Raritan River and get more involved in the environment. We should clean up the roads and streets. We would make sure everybody recycles that day and on. It wuold be a great way for the school to get together and help the environment. We could clean up the the Commons and thew Columbia trial.
I think we should put posters up to let all people know not to litter. Maybe that would work. Or we can have a huge get together for the whole town, get food and drinks and talk about not littering. Or we can do both and have double the fun!!!!!! Lets go GREEN!!!!!!!!!
GO GREEN GUYS AND LADIES!!!! That is what we need to do! And a way to do this challenge is to recycle our bottles, cans, plastic wrap, and anything else that has a recycling symbol (usually on the bottom of the object). When you recycle we can have the same bottles twice after you throw it away! Isn't that amazing? come on poeple! lets do this thing! GO GREEN!!!!
Ya really like the teachers would do that. The teachers are nice but not that nice to not give us homework for the whole year. But it would be nice nit to ave homework on Fridays because to me that should be our day off, since it is the weekend.
True it would help save trees, but homework is an important part of our learning skills. Homework helps us practice what we have learned and lets us be good in future time.
I think our school should go on the columbian trial and go clean up trash. And we will through it out in the garbage. We could also go around the town and plant trees. We should all get ipads for school so we dont wast paper from trees. GO GREEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you can spread the news by putting it on tv and on phones on and newspapers ,or puting it on trash cans or recycleable.You can also put bumper stickers on your car,or yu can even put on the can to recycel the bottels.say it on the raido or newspapers, you can also put a sing up in parks
We are being mean to the earth and hurting it. everyone that littlers are mean. it is their fault if we all die from global warming. We should ride our bikes or walk every weere. its not that hot out so we can stop killing the earth. We are making the polar Bears sooooo sad. we are ruining their homes. I love polar Bears and i dont want any thing to happen to them!!! we should stop littering. it is sad that everyone Is too LAZY to get off their buts and throw out their own garbage that they are oviely not lazy to get food or garbage. they should not get any garbage if they cant throw it out!
As students we can do many things to help the earth. Some things we can do to save the earth are- cleaning the columbia trail, post signs so people take actions on saving the earth, put solar panels on the roof of our school, ride our bikes to the park and to school, donate clothes and stuffes animals , and plant trees. there are so many simple things we can do such as turn off the lights and turn off the water when you are brushing your teeth or when you are not even using the water. We can also reduce the amount of waste that we use. Tere are so may things we as students can do. So everyone shpould chip in and help save the earth.
We can ride our bikes and adults can ride buses or carpool in stead of driving cars. Fossil fumes wont get into the air that way. Also we can stop throwing ciggarets out of the car so that birds cant eat it. It is really bad. SO, lets all pitch in and....GO GREEN!!!!!! REDUCE, REUSE, AND RECYCLE!!!!!!!!!!! We definately can will not use paper. IT CUTS DOWN TREES!!!!!! And it will take away our oxygen.
I think that we can and should stop littering. who ever does it is a really big JERK and no one would like them. Some people like to throw cans and other plastic figurs in the woods. I cant stand when people litter and dont think anyhing of it. it is really annoying. people dont care when they litter, they just do it and dont think its bad. some people think it is bad and still dont stop. somethings people just wont stop doing even if it means indangering animals and people! people like animals and if you keep littering we will not like you. i hate it and it is so STUPID to keep doing it. we can stop littering and go and do things to help the Envirnoment. alls we have to do is stop littering, clean up the litter that the JERKS all reaadys did and plant more trees and plants. we can have special days to do this. on earthday instead of haveing an all school meeting and go to clean up. we can go by the river and clean up the garbage. we can do things on our own too.
I dont know why ANYONE would do such a thing and say "Nobody Likes earth anyways so why not get rid of it" ITS THE ONLY PLANET WITH CHOCOLATE, Animals, Plants, LIFE BASICS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I <3 EARTH YAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
I LOVE THAT IDEA!!!! It would really help the town because the schools are open the most, so they use the most power. Maybe the school will really do that!
Nice idea Garrett!!!! And Lara, you are riht. Many people come to the school and use it and one light is almost always on. So if we use solar panels, we could really cut down on electrity and that would really help the earth.
What we can do is respect our planet lke you respect your teacher or parents. We can take shorter showers, turn off lights and electricity when were done, and most of all STOP LITERING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Or we should just use solar power instaed of using coal to power the power plants and... Because no person ever in history hasnt LOVED VIDEO GAMES... At least the modern day people...
I think we should all GO GREEN TO SAVE THE WORLD. Littering is messed up and should not be done. Recycling is the right thing to do you should watch out for liter bugs and tell them NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Good idea, also if you see a litter bug make them aware of the trouble they had caused, even if they are not interested, as long as the streets are clean and safe! (plus, make sure the garbadge is picked up off the ground)
If you do find an easy way to get people to go green though, I would LOVE to know how. I think it would be a quicker way to spred(the word), and save (the world)
I love all the ideas on the page, but how about the packing peanuts and cardboard boxes soo many companies use? The bio-degradable peanuts are relly expensive so not many companies buy them. It's sooo sad!
I agree. The bio-degradable peanuts they use in packaging is so much better. I think that because the small companies can't afford them, the larger companies should. Tree huggers would definitely buy from this company more, giving the company more business.
The world eather way will eventually "die", but we can save it from leaving early. Besides we have a few million years before it does go, so lets enjoy it while it lasts and take care of it, because it will be hard to find anything like it anywhere close.
Voices follow hand in hand, use your words to help us chant, every phrase spocken aloud, will help us form a cloud. Clouds should rain every day, words of wisdom that we say. Words of wisdom- "help save the envirnment"
Thanks, it takes one voice to inspire another. Your voice inspired mine. Your right, voices can inspire the world. One by one gather each voice and we can inspire the world to go green.
There should be a club to write and ask major compinies to create an ALL-green envirnmental store. That way you know for sure that what you buy is safe for the envirnment. Leave a comment if you'd support that clud if it exists!
We could create posters that say "go green!" or stuff like that on them and hang them around towns. This might raise a little awareness for the enviorment.
I would definetly tell people that if they want a healthy environment, or an environment at all in the future, they should do all they can to help. This includes picking up garbage or just preventing litering.
What can we do? What CAN'T we do? As the future generation, we have so much power. For example, we could use tablets that hold all our notes and textbooks, or ebooks just to hold the textbooks and reading books. This saves a TON of paper, as norrmal textbooks have hundreds of pages, and all the note books add up to alot of waste at the end of the year when they are thrown out.
If people want the earth to exist in the future, I suggest they should start doing something. It could just be a little thing like throwing away garbage and recycling bottles. If they really want to live in a healthy envirionment, though, I suggest they do something more.
As a school, we should make a club with other schools in which we meet up once a week or so. During these meetings, we would talk about what our school has done to be green, and how we could spread those ideas to the other schools in the club. Also, we would brainstorm new ideas and put them into action. Two heads- or in this case, a few schools- are better than one!
Our parents may have a lot of work to do and they are busy. But when they have free time on the weekends, instead of asking them to drive you to the mall or a friend's house, ask them to clean up garbage with you! It could be at the Commons, the Coloumbia Trail, or the Union Forge Park. It also gives you time to actually spend with them. After you clean as much up as needed, there are fun activities to do at these places, too. :)
Timely writing , I was enlightened by the information . Does anyone know where my assistant would be able to grab a template a form version to work with ?
We can ride our bikes to get to the park or to go get pizza and stop fossil fumes from our car plus we get exersise.
ReplyDeletewhat if we don;t have one or its to dagerous on the streets?
DeleteVery good idea we couls save our atmosphere by not useing gas. Plus getting out and exercising is good. Then our population will not become obese.
Deletewere a helmet
DeleteI think that is a great idea and if you do not have a bike or whatever just walk. It is as simple as that. If the road is dangerous try to see if there are any shortcts that avoid the dangerous roads.
Deletecar pooling is also a great way to save energy and fossil fuels
DeleteThat is agreat iead Tori but what is there is no shortcts if u dont have a bike you could walk but watch out
DeleteWe can make posters and put them on telephone poles and we can make signs and put them on the curb next to a stop sign so when they stop they have time to read it
DeleteI agree wth you Marshall, but if you put the signs on the curb and get washed down a drain and pollute the water.
DeleteWe could plant trees in front of the school because honestly, it's really empty out there. And maybe, so that the school would get involved, we could have a schoolwide vote on what the names of the trees would be.
ReplyDeleteAny maybe we could also have a little trash/recycling can outside by the entrance of the school, because I've seen gum on the ground a lot. And with that being, the gum will never go away until some poor soul picks them all up.
that is true we could maybe make it a spirit day out of it
DeleteExplain This!!!!! It Does not Make SenSe!!!!!
Deletewe could have a compitition after lunch and miss six period and then we could see how many trees we could plant in 40 minutes understood
DeleteThat is a great idea! Maybe if we dont put gum on the ground we DONT have to pick it up.
DeleteNOPE!!!!!!! Besides, I do not want to miss Science. It Is FUN!!!!!!!
Deletei agree science is fun how about we miss activity period on a friday
DeleteThat Sounds AWESOME!!!!!
DeleteThat is a great idea! planting trees makes a huge difference, and it would make a huge impact on the environment
DeleteI realy love that idea, its great to get out of the classroom and do something fun for the environment. If there is a contest the winner should be able to name one tree! So yea, i am all for it!!!
DeleteSomething that we can do is use reuseable cups at lunch instead of useing papaer or cardboard milk cartons.
ReplyDeletethis is a great way to save alot of waste. it also cuts down on pollution. i never would have thought of this.
Deleteit will cost to much
DeleteIt will only cost too much up front. In the long run though, we could save money.
DeleteI don't think it'll cost that much. We only need a few plastic cups, and between the classes coming in, the lunch ladies could try to wash out the cups.
Delete...By the way, Svetlana, why are you on here? LOL You're not in our computer class!
yeah, you are right zach.
DeleteThat is a good idea but it will cost too much because people could losse their cups and you will have to buy more
DeleteThat is a good idea but that might get a little disgusting if everyone in the school is using the same reuseable cups. This may not work, but maybe everyone should have their own cup and if they are buying lunch they bring it to school and the lunch ladies pour us the drink we want.
DeleteWE CAN WE DO? Our school has many great things to do. But if we do things out side of school, that would be even better. We can plant trees and flowers in the Commons. When you are out of school, you can carpool with different students so you limit the amount of fossil fumes that get in the air. If we all pitch in, we can save our earth.
ReplyDeleteThis makes so much sense! It is also a very easy thing we can do to make a difference.
DeleteThere are so many things that anyone can do to GO GREEN and save our Earth. We can ride our bikes more often to travel, we can reuse materials, we can donate clothes, stuffed animals, and so many other materials, reducing the amount of waste, we can recycle materials, and reduce the amount of waste we throw away daily. There are so many simple things we can do as well. Turn off lights, turn off water and make sure the sink doesn't drip, or even just unplug devices that are not being used. though it only saves a little now, the amount of wasted resources adds up, and in the long run it saves alot.
ReplyDeleteThat is the logest go green paragraph ever! Great job, keep it up!!!!! :)
Deletei meant longest!
DeleteHaha!! Oh Cladia. Anyways, yeah that was a really well-written paragraph that provided lots of information and ideas. Nice job!!!!
DeleteGreat ideas!!! I totally agree and you are a great writer!!!!! Not only does this save materials, but it saves money as well that our parents and ourselves have to spend. Keep the great ideas up!
DeleteWe can put solar panels on the roof of our school
ReplyDeleteThat is a good idea but it will cost alot but still safe money and energy. We need to raise money for that
Deletewe can make a town fundraiser
DeleteGood idea!like what?
DeletePut wind power in an unused area with no trees.
ReplyDeleteCan you explain please?
Deletethats a good idea
DeleteIf our comunity goes green it will be a good thing. That way we can save the earth and animals that could soon be endangered. Its important to go green because we want to keep this earth alive and green for tghe longest time possiable.
ReplyDeleteTo make our school more environmental we could add skylights to the 3rd level classrooms to save electricity, we should also get electronic tablets that have all of our textbooks on them. Think of how many trees we would save. It would be very expensive at first, but in the longrun we would save money!
ReplyDeleteWhat if we had s school green house, it could grow vegitables for the lunchroom. Every week a group of students could go and tend to them. Not only would we be eating healthyer food, but we would be saving the school money, and be helping the environment
ReplyDeleteThat is a great idea. U should tell Miss Smith that, she could request it ti the principle.
ReplyDelete(even though it is a 1 out of a million chances he would say yes, but still)
We can plant trees to help increase the amount of oxygen and carbon dioxide flow between us and plants. Also, for every tree that is cut down, another one should be re-planted in its place. Planting helps the environment in great amounts. Recycling, reusing, and reducing can help the environment and prevent animals from eating these things that would normally be littered on the ground. Recycling is the act of putting something that would normally be thrown out in the recycling bin for a chance to make something new. The most common recycled items are plastic and paper. Reusing is the act of using something over again instead of throwing it out. Reducing is the act of lowering the amount of environmental things you would normally use daily.
ReplyDeleteOur school should have a few special days of the year to plant trees and clean up the Raritan River and get more involved in the environment. We should clean up the roads and streets. We would make sure everybody recycles that day and on. It wuold be a great way for the school to get together and help the environment. We could clean up the the Commons and thew Columbia trial.
ReplyDeleteI think we should put posters up to let all people know not to litter. Maybe that would work. Or we can have a huge get together for the whole town, get food and drinks and talk about not littering. Or we can do both and have double the fun!!!!!! Lets go GREEN!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteGO GREEN GUYS AND LADIES!!!! That is what we need to do! And a way to do this challenge is to recycle our bottles, cans, plastic wrap, and anything else that has a recycling symbol (usually on the bottom of the object). When you recycle we can have the same bottles twice after you throw it away! Isn't that amazing? come on poeple! lets do this thing! GO GREEN!!!!
ReplyDeleteNo homework would help us save trees!!!! hahaha
ReplyDeleteYa really like the teachers would do that. The teachers are nice but not that nice to not give us homework for the whole year. But it would be nice nit to ave homework on Fridays because to me that should be our day off, since it is the weekend.
DeleteTrue it would help save trees, but homework is an important part of our learning skills. Homework helps us practice what we have learned and lets us be good in future time.
DeleteI think our school should go on the columbian trial and go clean up trash. And we will through it out in the garbage. We could also go around the town and plant trees. We should all get ipads for school so we dont wast paper from trees. GO GREEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteyou can spread the news by putting it on tv and on phones on and newspapers ,or puting it on trash cans or recycleable.You can also put bumper stickers on your car,or yu can even put on the can to recycel the bottels.say it on the raido or newspapers,
ReplyDeleteyou can also put a sing up in parks
We are being mean to the earth and hurting it. everyone that littlers are mean. it is their fault if we all die from global warming. We should ride our bikes or walk every weere. its not that hot out so we can stop killing the earth. We are making the polar Bears sooooo sad. we are ruining their homes. I love polar Bears and i dont want any thing to happen to them!!! we should stop littering. it is sad that everyone Is too LAZY to get off their buts and throw out their own garbage that they are oviely not lazy to get food or garbage. they should not get any garbage if they cant throw it out!
ReplyDeleteyou can even even put on bottels and put it up in a park
ReplyDeleteAs students we can do many things to help the earth. Some things we can do to save the earth are- cleaning the columbia trail, post signs so people take actions on saving the earth, put solar panels on the roof of our school, ride our bikes to the park and to school, donate clothes and stuffes animals , and plant trees.
ReplyDeletethere are so many simple things we can do such as turn off the lights and turn off the water when you are brushing your teeth or when you are not even using the water. We can also reduce the amount of waste that we use.
Tere are so may things we as students can do. So everyone shpould chip in and help save the earth.
We can ride our bikes and adults can ride buses or carpool in stead of driving cars. Fossil fumes wont get into the air that way. Also we can stop throwing ciggarets out of the car so that birds cant eat it. It is really bad. SO, lets all pitch in and....GO GREEN!!!!!! REDUCE, REUSE, AND RECYCLE!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteWe definately can will not use paper. IT CUTS DOWN TREES!!!!!! And it will take away our oxygen.
I think that we can and should stop littering. who ever does it is a really big JERK and no one would like them. Some people like to throw cans and other plastic figurs in the woods. I cant stand when people litter and dont think anyhing of it. it is really annoying. people dont care when they litter, they just do it and dont think its bad. some people think it is bad and still dont stop. somethings people just wont stop doing even if it means indangering animals and people! people like animals and if you keep littering we will not like you. i hate it and it is so STUPID to keep doing it. we can stop littering and go and do things to help the Envirnoment. alls we have to do is stop littering, clean up the litter that the JERKS all reaadys did and plant more trees and plants. we can have special days to do this. on earthday instead of haveing an all school meeting and go to clean up. we can go by the river and clean up the garbage. we can do things on our own too.
ReplyDeleteI dont know why ANYONE would do such a thing and say "Nobody Likes earth anyways so why not get rid of it" ITS THE ONLY PLANET WITH CHOCOLATE, Animals, Plants, LIFE BASICS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I <3 EARTH YAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
ReplyDeleteI Know Right...O3o
DeleteWe need to put solar Panels on the both schools to save energy
ReplyDeleteYa I agree thats a brilliant idea!
DeleteI LOVE THAT IDEA!!!! It would really help the town because the schools are open the most, so they use the most power. Maybe the school will really do that!
Deletewe need to make a fundraiser for many
DeleteThats a really good idea!
DeleteI've heard alot about those fundraisers, Maybe there should be a fundraiser. What type of activity should we do for the fundraiser?
Deletea few things like concert sports and maybe helping other ppl
DeleteNice idea Garrett!!!! And Lara, you are riht. Many people come to the school and use it and one light is almost always on. So if we use solar panels, we could really cut down on electrity and that would really help the earth.
DeleteMaybe we could get the school to sell costum ts to gain the money
Deletewe need to send the principal a message about this and hope it works
DeleteGreat idea! LOVE IT! Wish we'd thought of it sooner!
DeleteWhat we can do is respect our planet lke you respect your teacher or parents. We can take shorter showers, turn off lights and electricity when were done, and most of all STOP LITERING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteAnd play less video games and tv
DeleteGarrett that is true!
DeleteRecycle too!-Jessie
DeleteOr we should just use solar power instaed of using coal to power the power plants and... Because no person ever in history hasnt LOVED VIDEO GAMES... At least the modern day people...
DeleteI know i did it was a big mistake!
DeleteI think we should all GO GREEN TO SAVE THE WORLD. Littering is messed up and should not be done. Recycling is the right thing to do you should watch out for liter bugs and tell them NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteI agree
DeleteChristian I completely agree!
DeleteThats a kewl idea
DeleteGood idea, also if you see a litter bug make them aware of the trouble they had caused, even if they are not interested, as long as the streets are clean and safe! (plus, make sure the garbadge is picked up off the ground)
DeleteI dont wear helmats But SO true !!!!!!!!
DeleteWe should all work together as a team to save the world, our economy, and environment.
ReplyDeleteChristian we should totally start a school club
DeleteThere was an elementary school envirnmental club, but not a middle school one. If we did have one, I totally would be willing to support it!
DeleteIt is not as easy as you think to get people to go green, I wish it was though
DeleteIf you do find an easy way to get people to go green though, I would LOVE to know how. I think it would be a quicker way to spred(the word), and save (the world)
DeleteWe need to Save the world or else we will be extinct :( HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteReduse Reuse and Recycle!!!!
Deletei dont want to die.Recycle.
DeleteThe envirnment and atmosphere would be hurt, but we should have some time before we are exstinct
Deletewe could use that time to find a way to save the world
DeleteReduce, Reuse, and Recycle! also turn off all lights when your done and take short showers to save water!
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Deletetake shoter ones though it helps the world
DeleteYes Jessie it's true we need to save water and trees before we run out :(
Deletei will miss them
Deletei meant to say shorter sorry
DeleteI love all the ideas on the page, but how about the packing peanuts and cardboard boxes soo many companies use? The bio-degradable peanuts are relly expensive so not many companies buy them. It's sooo sad!
ReplyDeleteI agree. The bio-degradable peanuts they use in packaging is so much better. I think that because the small companies can't afford them, the larger companies should. Tree huggers would definitely buy from this company more, giving the company more business.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteu should recycle if u dont the world will become brown and ugly. We must try our best to keep it blue, and beautiful!!!!!
ReplyDeleteI agree
DeleteBlue + Green = Beautiful!!
DeleteYou are right!! I don't want a brown and ugly world. :(
DeleteBlue and green is great to me!
DeleteOur world is special we need to save it before it dies!!!!
ReplyDeleteThe world eather way will eventually "die", but we can save it from leaving early. Besides we have a few million years before it does go, so lets enjoy it while it lasts and take care of it, because it will be hard to find anything like it anywhere close.
Deletegreen is pretty blue is awesome together they are ou beautiful world.
ReplyDeleteI agree no better way to put it. Blue and Green are the colors of the most wonderful place in the universe... Our one and only Earth
Deletei think we should stop using so much books it would save us animals and nature
ReplyDeletenotebooks, sure, but we need text books they help us learn. Even regular story books are great parts of our imagination.
ReplyDeletelove the quote, you should be a poet on saving the world.
DeleteVoices follow hand in hand, use your words to help us chant, every phrase spocken aloud, will help us form a cloud. Clouds should rain every day, words of wisdom that we say. Words of wisdom- "help save the envirnment"
ReplyDeleteyou are amazing at your own voice. if you believe that your statements are true you should tell you friends about what you want for the environment
DeleteThanks, it takes one voice to inspire another. Your voice inspired mine. Your right, voices can inspire the world. One by one gather each voice and we can inspire the world to go green.
Deletei think you should do what you are able to do because you don't want to hurt yourself but still help the world
ReplyDeleteeveryone can try to do something. you can try to pick up garbage when on the floor. try to get peoples attention and tell them what should be done
ReplyDeleteThere should be a club to write and ask major compinies to create an ALL-green envirnmental store.
ReplyDeleteThat way you know for sure that what you buy is safe for the envirnment.
Leave a comment if you'd support that clud if it exists!
I ment club not clud
DeleteWe could create posters that say "go green!" or stuff like that on them and hang them around towns. This might raise a little awareness for the enviorment.
ReplyDeleteI would definetly tell people that if they want a healthy environment, or an environment at all in the future, they should do all they can to help. This includes picking up garbage or just preventing litering.
ReplyDeleteWhat can we do? What CAN'T we do? As the future generation, we have so much power. For example, we could use tablets that hold all our notes and textbooks, or ebooks just to hold the textbooks and reading books. This saves a TON of paper, as norrmal textbooks have hundreds of pages, and all the note books add up to alot of waste at the end of the year when they are thrown out.
ReplyDeleteIf people want the earth to exist in the future, I suggest they should start doing something. It could just be a little thing like throwing away garbage and recycling bottles. If they really want to live in a healthy envirionment, though, I suggest they do something more.
ReplyDeleteAs a school, we should make a club with other schools in which we meet up once a week or so. During these meetings, we would talk about what our school has done to be green, and how we could spread those ideas to the other schools in the club. Also, we would brainstorm new ideas and put them into action. Two heads- or in this case, a few schools- are better than one!
ReplyDeleteOur parents may have a lot of work to do and they are busy. But when they have free time on the weekends, instead of asking them to drive you to the mall or a friend's house, ask them to clean up garbage with you! It could be at the Commons, the Coloumbia Trail, or the Union Forge Park. It also gives you time to actually spend with them. After you clean as much up as needed, there are fun activities to do at these places, too. :)
ReplyDeleteTimely writing , I was enlightened by the information . Does anyone know where my assistant would be able to grab a template a form version to work with ?
ReplyDeleteGreetings Christian Jerick Go, my business partner found a template a form form at this site http://pdf.ac/4gz48o or www.studentaffairs.odu.edu